Founded by students, our motivation comes from “the urgency to take measures against the limitations coming from the misconceptions of Asian cultures in the Gerrit Rietveld Academie & Sandberg Instituut”. To take our first actions, we would like to introduce artists from a broader range of Asian cultures and backgrounds. This aim comes from a pure will to integrate artists of diversities and to broaden the repetitive names and works encountered in our institutions. Though a fragile step, it is our intention to acquaint each other of the boundless possibilities of these works without the imposed lense of cultural difference and exoticism.
Open Call for Oreum Residency 2024 is available now for application:
Surprise pop-up! Dark Edition Coffee will return in koffie kar for the Open Day at Sandberg Institute.
Dark Edition is a café and roaster based in Seoul, ROK. Receiving blue ribbon (Michelin-like system in Korea) for three consecutive years, they are visiting Amsterdam for a collaboration pop ups, initiated by Zip.
Come watch Abbas Kiarostami’s ‘Where is the friend’s house’ December 17th and 20th @ Filmtheater De Uitkijk, Prinsengracht 452, 1017 KE Amsterdam
Come watch Yang Yong-hi’s ‘soup and ideology’ on December 16th and 23rd! @ Filmtheater De Uitkijk, Prinsengracht 452, 1017 KE Amsterdam.
Come watch Tsai Ming-liang’s ‘rebels of the neon god’ on December 15th and 19th @ Filmtheater De Uitkijk, Prinsengracht 452, 1017 KE Amsterdam.
Zip (formerly Asian Union) teams up with Filmtheater De Uitkijk for a diverse and exciting film program from 14-23rd of December. Under the theme of “home” and “time”. Come watch Trinh T. Minh-ha’s ‘ Forgetting Vietnam’ on December 14 & 20!
Zip'23: A Fusion of Culture and Music, Exploring 'Home and HEAT.' Join us for the Music Event and Film Screenings.
With Jun Zhang, Kim Kokosky Deforchaux, Qiaochu Guo & May Adadol Ingawanij.
2023 lunar new year party!
On 16:00 Friday 11th NOV, The Asian Union will meet through a zoom meeting:
The Asian Union invites members of the Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Sandberg Instituut community to be part of our first publication.
20:00 - 00:30 @ NEVERNEVERLAND
Time: 17:00, 17:45
Location: Project Space 1 / See google docs
Jae did tarot reading for several friends and they told him that it’s a good time to talk about their own story and unique experience with someone who carefully listens. With beautiful pictures and randomness in which to pick up the cards, You could take a journey to discover secrets, dream the future, and find yourself.
You can sign up in the form below (please put your name, department, e-mail) and Jae will send to each of you the space and the dossier. Please come to space at an exact time. Limited to 12 people, so sign up asap for your own slot! Jae will wait with a cup of tea and a wicked pack of cards.
The dumpling delivery made by Jae, Wei and Tao, will be launched on 11th March. Inspired by the night market, a cart made in wood, and with lights will become a moving booth crossing in the campus like a generator of care and breeze, an atmosphere to merge in relaxation, hopefully will break the restriction smoothly.
You can sign up in the form below (please put your name, department, location, floor in it, we will summarize and confirm the time slots, send back by email later) and pick up one box (max.5) of Jiaozi, more info on the way. We have a limitation to maximum 100 people so sign up asap for your own Jiaozi!
We are going to be live on OTR on this Friday <3
Reading and sharing thoughts on <The melancholy of race> by Anne Anlin Cheng. Stay tuned, Stay home, Stay safe.
* 2o_20 lunar 2o_20 * //
Date: 1 February 2020
Time: 22:00 - 03:00
Location: OT301
Main Organizer: The Asian Union GRA
Co-host: NNN (Non Native Native)
Kindly supported by the Student Council GRA and AFK(Amsterdams Fond voor de Kunst)
Asian Union's first public event: to organise a platform and invite guests to present and talk about their works and gather a conversation through a round table talk between the invited guests.
asian diaspora, student support, decolonisation
On 16:00 Friday 11th NOV, The Asian Union will meet through a zoom meeting: gather together and check in.
Please join us, no need to make reservations or RSVP.